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Thursday, December 08, 2005

19 - Bill O'Reilly's War Against Christmas / Their Behavior Requires Us to Ask: Why Do Right-Wingers Enjoy Causing Suffering and Death?

Bill O'Reilly would have you believe he is defending Christmas from an onslaught by "secularists." As with most right-wing claims, the exact opposite is true: O'Reilly and his allies are the ones who are destroying this sacred Christian holiday.

A right-wing blog linked to one of Blast the Right's earlier segments. The comments posted on this blog reveal the extent of right-wing psychopathology.

Jack Clark 2:05 PM [+]
Post #113400651622863119

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I think fox news will be interested in you using their audio without their permition, I'm reporting you and redragon365 for copyright abuse! You Suck!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  4:45 PM   [+]
Hey first poster!
Are you DarkSaturos? Because you sure spell like him and sound like him. A little boy who didn't get enough attention from mommy...
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  9:00 PM   [+]
Sorry first poster, I did not want to be mean. But constructive, open debate is an essential element of democracy. Democracy is important for protecting the rights of those of us who aren't megarich. Even your rights too.
Maybe you will understand better when you are an adult.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  9:09 PM   [+]
keep up the great work jack
your use of fox network audio .id say fall under fair and accurate comment use.

once again thank you for keeping me informed of the rights tactics

regards con
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  1:21 AM   [+]
Yes, my use of Fox audio clips falls under the fair use doctrine. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode17/usc_sec_17_00000107----000-.html
posted by Blogger Jack Clark  1:56 PM   [+]
You know, if anyone is trying to kill off Christmas its the ACLU and the NLA. (Not that I would expect you to know who they are.) The political correctness is what is killing this country.

And you can't look at Bill O'Reily as a typical righty ok? We don't like him much either. He's extremely annoying, and concieted. Our role models are George Bush, Ronald Reagan, etc.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  3:29 PM   [+]
Actually no respect for Christianity is killing this country. Know what liberal? You're racist against white Christian males!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:37 AM   [+]
DarkSaturos, I don't see George Bush upholding ANY of Christ's teachings. He has no respect for Christianity. So is he also killing the country?

(Hint: the answer is "yes".)

Maybe if you keep catching hell here, you should go to a place where your views are more welcomed.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  4:05 PM   [+]
One moment the liberals say Bush is preaching relegion by saying no gay marrige. Next they say he's not religious at all. I find the arguments of lefties hilarious!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  6:24 PM   [+]
I actually respect the opinions of genuine conservatives, who in my experience tend to be hard-working, self-reliant, not given to blatant errors of fact and grandstanding (like O'Reilly,Hannity, and our little random friend DarkSaturos).
I was attracted to this podcast because it was refreshing to hear someone build a logical point-by-point argument out of facts, as Jack has done.
Hopefully at some point some conservative who posesses the ability to reason will actually address any of the points he's made and we'll actually get somewhere.
I have mixed feelings about the "attack on christmas" topic because I suspect that it is a red herring.
Think about it - O'Reilly spending nearly a full 2 weeks of his radio program on this - like he actually cares? That his hero walmart was actually subjugated by the powerful left-wing anti-xmas army? Get real.
My unscientific observation is that O'Reilly often switches to "social" issues when the going gets rough for his buddy Bush. In this particular case, O'Reilly seemed to have reversed his previous view that only left-wing lunatics would suggest a troop withdrawal from Iraq. Then followed 2 weeks of the Christmas crusade - perhaps to avoid embarassing questions while he was waiting to see how he could spin his flip-flop? Oops, I meant no-spin.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  12:02 AM   [+]
Random? How exactly have I been random? You my friend are not conservative at all. You are simply a loony leftwing liar. I have reasoned my case out easily. The ACLU wants to call Christmas trees holiday trees, etc. etc. Bill O'Reily is less of a threat than the ACLU to Christainity, which you have no respect for, because you are racist pigs.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:39 AM   [+]
I don't know why I'm trying to argue with such a moron (Darksaturos) but let me start by quoting your blog user description: "I'm a Republican because I am not afraid to look the truth in the face. I will not crawl into some hole and hide from the real world. Knowledge is power. No liberal can defeat me, for the more I know the stronger I become. I don't have time to worry about offending people, I'm too busy trying to do what's right."
Doing "what's right" is being considerate of other people's beliefs and cultures, not just "white christians". You may try to counter this arguement by saying I'm racist toward white christians. Thats complete bull shit. My parents, grandparents, and brother are all "white christians" and I love them very much. You are in fact "racist" against anyone who is not a white christian. If Jews were the majority in America I'm sure you would be offended when Wal-Mart and Target produce advertisements wishing you and your family a happy hanukkah. What's so bad about saying something that applies to everyone? "Happy holidays" isn't offensive unless you are insecure about losing your majority strong hold. Your hipocracy is layered so thick this message won't possibly get through to you. I don't even know why I wasted my time typing this. Maybe when you grow up a little these ignorrant teenage ramblings will diminish.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:40 PM   [+]
And calling me a moron is respect is it? That's a liberal for you. Respects gays, blacks, Jews and any other minority as he should. But when it comes time to respect a white Christain he doesn't give a rats ass what he calls him. Liberals are racist. Racist against whites. Racist against Christains. Racist against males. You DO have something against them because you treat every minority better based on their race, color or creed. You are no better then a KKK member, because you are a KKK member in reverse. You hate the rich because they worked hard to get where they are. You hate whites (yourself included whether you know it or not) because they supposedally "keep the man down." I'm sick of being called racist by left wing kook-jobs, and I'm sick of being discriminated against because I'm white and Christian, two things most liberals hate, even if they don't know it. I'm also tired of liberals using minoritys by offering them better jobs than the majority to get thier damn votes. I treat everyone the same. I'm no better than a minority and a minority is no better then me.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  9:20 AM   [+]
And another thing. I would not be offended if Jews were the majority if they said Happy Hannukah. I would say Happy Hannukah back, even if I didn't celebrate it, because its polite. Its not polite to whine and say "Im so offended!" I have three Jewish friends who don't give a damn what someone says to them regarding Christmas, and YOU sir, speak for the Jews, you speak for the blacks, you speak for the minority without ever meeting one. Hypocrisy at its best. Good day.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  9:23 AM   [+]
Do you honestly think I called you a moron because you are a white male christian? I don't care if you're a black gay jewish midget, I called you a moron because of your weak arguments and complete lack of competence. And quit putting words in my mouth I never said I was speaking for the Jews or blacks. I'm speaking for myself and no one else when I say you are a moron. Also you said I "speak for the minority without ever meeting one". You don't know the first thing about me. I know plenty of minorities and I am not in any way shape or form trying to represent them when I say you are a moron. I am so glad you have done all of us left wingers the courtesy of posting your idiotic ramblings so we can use you as an example of why the right is wrong.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:27 PM   [+]
Darksaturos said: "I would not be offended if Jews were the majority if they said Happy Hannukah. I would say Happy Hannukah back, even if I didn't celebrate it, because its polite. Its not polite to whine and say 'Im so offended!'"

So you wouldn't be offended if someone wished you a happy Hannukah but you would be offended if they said "happy holidays"? You are such a hypocrite.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  5:33 AM   [+]
Yes because Happy Holidays indicates that they are too pansy and racist to acknowledge their own religion. Happy Hannukah does not.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:26 AM   [+]
Well, DarkSaturos, Dan Fleege appears to have answered for me as to why I called you random.
Don't worry about it though, you need to be random to support such crimes as:

-Using pre-positioned explosives to blow up the World Trade Center buildings and then covering it up (http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html)

-Poisoning civilians and soldiers with depleted uranium and covering it up (http://www.ngwrc.org/index.cfm?page=Article&ID=2043)

-Stealing the national resources of an oil-rich country(http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/12/8/20848/5235)

-Fixing elections in your own country (http://www.blackboxvoting.org/)

If you still think Bush is your hero after checking out these links, then congratulations, you have a bright future as a neocon (not conservative).
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  2:04 AM   [+]
Hey darksaturos, not for nothing, but do you realize that holiday is a sacred word?


It doesn't take much effort to realize that "holiday" comes from "holyday." But actually putting in that much research would make Bill O'Reilly's brain hurt.

Also, there are Jewish majority cities in this country such as West Bloomfield, MI and Skokie, IL. And you know what? They display decorations of all religions and have both Chanukkah and Christmas displays.

I have to clarify that I think both sides are wrong in this. The left is being asinine because Christmas trees are not violating the separation of church and state. There is no outright message except for "peace on Earth." If there were banners being flown saying, "convert or die, Christianity is right," that's a violation of the separation.

And Christmas trees are a pagan symbol anyhow.

The right is being asinine because they're thinking that Christmas is about buying things. But O'Reilly's deitys are not Jesus or Yahweh, O'Reilly's God is money so I can see how he doesn't see this as a conflict.

Thank you Jack for reminding everybody what the right should do if they really want to celebrate Jesus this season! This podcast was dead on!
posted by Blogger incendiarymind  7:55 AM   [+]
People with very small brains are concerned about "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays." In a free country, you can say either one and the Thought Police of the right should be told to stick their heads back up their asses and let others speak freely without their BS conspiracy theories (liberals, Communists, secularists, etc.) Tell Bill O'Reilly to go back to his dildo!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  7:57 AM   [+]
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  5:33 PM   [+]
Darksaturos, you like to assume that all liberals agree with all ideas posted on this message board. This is far from the truth. I don't agree with everything my fellow left wingers have stated here. Many of our views are similar but we don't blindly follow the pack. I mean if all CONSERVATIVES were like YOU our country would be in much worse shape than it is now.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  7:03 PM   [+]
DarkSaturos said...
Well well well. I guess anynomus shows how liberals think.

Actually the joke's on you DarkSaturos. I am more conservative than you are trying so hard to prove you are.

Why? Because I base my opinion on actual observation, not on fairy tales fed to me by neocon radio.

So if a physicist determines that the actual physical evidence supports pre-positioned explosives brought down the 3 World Trade Center buildings(including one that was never struck by a plane), I check out the evidence with my own eyes. You can too - the videos are here (http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/videos/index.html).

The videos clearly show the buildings pulverised by explosions
and falling neatly into their own footprint, just like a commercial demolition.

Have you ever seen a highrise steel building collapse from fire in such a perfectly symmetrical way? Or any building fire behave that way?

Neither have I, that's why I also considered the scientific arguments presented by the physicist who actually researched it (http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html).

True conservatives base their opinions on hard evidence and observation. Your inability to do this confirms my previous remarks about you.

Merry Christmas to all!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  9:59 PM   [+]
anynomous said... Actually the joke's on you DarkSaturos. I am more conservative than you are trying so hard to prove you are.

I don't need to prove anything goon. I'm a Republican, I don't need to prove it.

anynomous said... Why? Because I base my opinion on actual observation, not on fairy tales fed to me by neocon radio.

As do I. Maybe I interpret them better (i.e. not like a conspericy theorist.)

anynomous... Have you ever seen a highrise steel building collapse from fire in such a perfectly symmetrical way? Or any building fire behave that way?

You crazy dumbass. That was a result of the planed hitting it at a level angle and near the top. Thus the above floors crush those beneath and falles not symettrically (get a dictionary you jackass) but levelly.

You're no conservative. You belong in the pot with the other wack jobs; no party, just hate and conspeirisy.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  6:38 AM   [+]
Please, if there is a SANE person on this site who does not subscribe to conspericy theories, can we just have a debate instead of this madness?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  6:40 AM   [+]
Darksaturos: most Christian symbols are directly stolen from paganism. That's not some wacky conspiracy theory, it's the truth. It doesn't necessarily lessen the symbols at all, it's just the truth.

But, since you're attacking me for a comment I made against other liberals getting upset about them, let me ask you this. What aspect of Christ's life (or in this case especially his birth) does the Christmas tree celebrate?

Therefore, it could be said that the very symbol you so defend is secular in nature and just associated with a religious holiday. Whereas a pagan actually takes the tree and gives it a sacred value as it is part of their religion.

The ACLU does not want to stop Christmas. The ACLU wants to stop displays of Christmas symbology on public property (if the symbols are even overtly religious to begin with). And as I said, I disagree with this misconstruing of the first amendment by the ACLU.

My point on the Jewish cities was just stating that they tend to do the same thing as Christian cities. It was merely a point of information. It had no point in the debate, per se.
posted by Blogger incendiarymind  8:59 AM   [+]
I KNOW they were pagan symbols at one point but they are NOT NOW.

Incinderay said... What aspect of Christ's life (or in this case especially his birth) does the Christmas tree celebrate?

Represents new life, as Jesus was born to give us life in heaven. Maybe if you were smart you'd know that.

Incedary said... The ACLU does not want to stop Christmas. The ACLU wants to stop displays of Christmas symbology on public property (if the symbols are even overtly religious to begin with)

Then why did they take down the nativity and leave up the monarh last year in CA?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  9:36 AM   [+]
darksaturos: If you give me the link to where the ACLU banned the nativity but not the manorah in California last year, I would greatly appreciate it. Again, I'm on your side that the ACLU is wrong in this.

Maybe if you were smart, you'd know how to spell, if you want to get picky, by the way.

I stand corrected on the tree.
posted by Blogger incendiarymind  7:06 AM   [+]
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
posted by Blogger Jack Clark  12:54 PM   [+]
I deleted ds's 5:33 pm post because his use of HAHA's as an extremely long stream of unbroken text screwed up the page formatting, so that a person coming to the page would see only blank space at the top. So please don't have long strings of unbroken text. His comment, without the long string of unbroken text, read:

Anonymous said...
-Using pre-positioned explosives to blow up the World Trade Center buildings and then covering it up (http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html)

-Poisoning civilians and soldiers with depleted uranium and covering it up (http://www.ngwrc.org/index.cfm?page=Article&ID=2043)

-Stealing the national resources of an oil-rich country(http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/12/8/20848/5235)

-Fixing elections in your own country (http://www.blackboxvoting.org/)

HAHAHAHAHA *Gasp* *Snort* Hee hee... HAHAHA!! Is THAT what you wacko liberals believe?!?! Oh this is RICH!!! You've got some great people on here. Oh HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA!

As for the actually RATIONAL people here. Yes, holidays ARE holy. Such as Christmas, which the ACLU wants to stop, any questions?

incideary said...country such as West Bloomfield, MI and Skokie, IL. And you know what? They display decorations of all religions and have both Chanukkah and Christmas displays.

and your point is...?

incindary said... And Christmas trees are a pagan symbol anyhow.

Not anymore wacko. They DERIEVED from one, but symbols are what we make of them. Don't ever make the mistake of telling me my Christain symbol is pagan please. That is no longer so.

Anonymous said...
People with very small brains are concerned about "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays." In a free country, you can say either one and the Thought Police of the right should be told to stick their heads back up their asses and let others speak freely without their BS conspiracy theories (liberals, Communists, secularists, etc.) Tell Bill O'Reilly to go back to his dildo!

Well well well. I guess anynomus shows how liberals think. Nice comment anynomus. Might I suggest however that you are not drunk next time you comment. You are doing neither the left or the right much good here.

***end of Dark Saturos's comment***
posted by Blogger Jack Clark  12:59 PM   [+]
DarkSaturos, you are a paranoid white person living in MAINE, a VERY white state. What are you talking about "liberals hate whites and Christians whether they know it or not"? That's the most asinine (that means 'stupid') thing I've ever heard. Liberals WOULD hate white Christians given the wonderful example set by the mostly WHITE, mostly "Christian" Republican party. Without getting too preachy, I don't see how a bunch of guys that only pimp out the Bible to win an election expect to make it into heaven. I have yet to see the Republican Party do ONE SINGLE THING that Jesus would do. Show me some since you are suddenly Mr. Proof.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:32 PM   [+]
Those poor oppressed white Christians! How dare anyone not acknowledge their holy corporate holiday of materialism! Happy Holidays to all! (merry Christmas for any backward right-wingers who may read this)
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  4:41 PM   [+]
Hi there!
I find it very nice that someone finally states that a minimum government is against the principles of christianity. And it truly is a pity that these people show nothing but cynicism regarding the poverty of other people, which is also wrong for an atheist, well, actually for every human being.
What I didn't like was that you ended up calling all (not some) right wingers lunatics and serial killers. I doubt that this helps keeping up a debate.
I also think that there is a difference between cutting funding and active killing. You don't give these people your money anymore. Your claim is that these people have an absolute right to other people's money out of need. I doubt that. It is definitely good to help these people. But turning this into a legal issue is wrong. One man's poverty doesn't give him the right to the property of another.
The usual argument I hear now is that the money is not deserved, that it is stolen and that capitalism is basically flawed. That the rich exploit the poor. So I hope I have your attention by now. This is a question I have asked many 'left' people but I have yet to find an answer. Since your podcast showed intelligence I hope you can answer me here.
In a system where everyone has the right to his own life and his property, that is, where he can choose where he works (and he usually picks the best he can find), how do you find workers for your company if you offer worse working conditions (and/or less money) and how do you sell your products if they are inferior and more expensive. You can't force them to work for you and you can't force them to buy from you (Laissez-faire). How does it work?
I'd really like to have an answer here and I hope you can deliver.

About the poverty thing:
If you want to help them, do so. Collect money. But the poverty problem is a structural problem. You can read about it in 'The mystery of capital'. But moaning that other people should pay for the realization of your ideals? How's that moral?

posted by Anonymous Anonymous  10:17 AM   [+]
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