Thursday, June 22, 2006
47 - Coulter vs. The Jersey Girls: Ann's Real Agenda & Her Underlying Psychological Disorder
Here's an approach to this brouhaha you haven't seen elsewhere:
First we'll go over the who, what, when and where of Ann Coulter's vicious attack on four 9/11 widows, who are known as the Jersey Girls. You'll hear a clip of Ann saying something about these women that is even more heartless than what she wrote in her book.
Then after we listen to Ann try to defend herself on Fox and NBC, we'll analyze the "why," the real dual purpose of her cruel comments:
(1) to permanently lower the bar, so that other heretofore more circumspect right-wingers will feel free to viciously personally trash victims whose policy prescriptions don't fit the right-wing mold; and
(2) to intimidate victims involved in news stories, make them reluctant to ever speak out, lest they receive from Coulter and other right-wing character assassins, the Jersey Girl treatment.
The second half of the podcast will examine Coulter's output over the years, and consider whether she possesses three of the personality traits of a sociopath:
--an obsession with causing others misery and death; --an extreme lack or even absence of empathy for others; --the derivation of a perverse psychological pleasure from her actions.
If you've never heard Ann's bloodthirsty comments in one sitting, be prepared for some ugly words.
PS: As a bonus, I'll play you a bit of a song written explicitly about Ann Coulter.
Jack Clark 2:56 PM
Post #115095573028430457
to Jack and other listeners! (a separate
show from numbered shows to the left)
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