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Thursday, June 22, 2006

47 - Coulter vs. The Jersey Girls: Ann's Real Agenda & Her Underlying Psychological Disorder

Here's an approach to this brouhaha you haven't seen elsewhere:

First we'll go over the who, what, when and where of Ann Coulter's vicious attack on four 9/11 widows, who are known as the Jersey Girls. You'll hear a clip of Ann saying something about these women that is even more heartless than what she wrote in her book.

Then after we listen to Ann try to defend herself on Fox and NBC, we'll analyze the "why," the real dual purpose of her cruel comments:

(1) to permanently lower the bar, so that other heretofore more circumspect right-wingers will feel free to viciously personally trash victims whose policy prescriptions don't fit the right-wing mold; and

(2) to intimidate victims involved in news stories, make them reluctant to ever speak out, lest they receive from Coulter and other right-wing character assassins, the Jersey Girl treatment.

The second half of the podcast will examine Coulter's output over the years, and consider whether she possesses three of the personality traits of a sociopath:

--an obsession with causing others misery and death;
--an extreme lack or even absence of empathy for others;
--the derivation of a perverse psychological pleasure from her actions.

If you've never heard Ann's bloodthirsty comments in one sitting, be prepared for some ugly words.

PS: As a bonus, I'll play you a bit of a song written explicitly about Ann Coulter.

Jack Clark 2:56 PM [+]
Post #115095573028430457

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This cast was great. I have a few right wing friends who actually admire this [Coulter] psychopath.
Thank you, and I think you should make the casts even LONGER!!!
Great work, Jack!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:10 AM   [+]
fools with websites that nobody cares about, about as popular as air america
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  12:31 PM   [+]
"temper" definitely seems to fit the case with Coulter. I've heard at least on one occasion when she was on Hannity's radio show, she remarked that a debate opponent's microphone be cut to make room for her own remarks.

Excellent work as always, Jack.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  10:26 AM   [+]
Loved the Ann Cunter (as I call her) episode. We may not always agree on things over at the PPN forum, but rest assured I love your show and it is always in my MP3 player...Keep it up!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  8:41 AM   [+]
Hey Jack, does the fact that her book is top of the NYT best seller list just chap ya?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  6:43 AM   [+]
It's absolutely amazing that America still lends a listening ear to this woman. She is a disgrace not only to the female community but also the Christian community. As a devout Christian, I do not feel the need to tell someone else that they are on their way to damnation because they do not read the same bible as I do. OR do I blast widows because they were rewarded money after their husbands experienced a terrible death. The more that Ann Coulter publicly attempts to talk politics, the more she looks like a bored soccer mom looking for juicy gossip. Hey Ann, karma is a bigger bitch than you, so I would just take it easy on the remarks, you psychopathic bitch.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  11:42 PM   [+]
At some point you ought to try to muster the courage to get face to face with Ann and see if you can stand toe to toe with her. I suspect you will resort to name calling and charges of intellectual bullying before being able to coherently answer her first question.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  5:17 PM   [+]
I'd love to know who could go toe to toe with Anne and leave with the last word without having her mic cut off. It can't be done. Her tonge is sharp but her mind is sharper.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  8:27 AM   [+]
She got cut off the other day on Hannity and Colmes, by Colmes sub for the week. Similar to how hannity cuts off the liberal guests and ignores anything they say. She then started whining like a little baby, "Aren't you going to let me talk? I might as well not be here. Sean help me! Why am I here? Is my mic on?"
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  8:57 PM   [+]
This woman really seems to inspire hate. Is that a healthy leadership quality? Especially for a christian? What the heck ever happened to debating skills, good manners and respect. We are all different. Civilization as we know it seems to be rapidly disappearing. Do yourself a favor and don't get sucked into the hatemongering that this devilish woman demonstrates.
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  7:25 PM   [+]
She's a psychopathic bitch.... and a disgrace to women everywhere....she’s a hate mongering bitch – selfish, envious, psychotic – lacks a conscience……
people pretend to like her – but everyone knows how fucked up she is….

K- you are even more of a c**t than Coulter........

Karma is even more of a bitch than you are –
so watch your back miserable, envious bitch!!!!
posted by Anonymous Anonymous  3:01 PM   [+]
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Great podcast - a must listen to
Jack Clark documents the right's wars on the poor, civil liberties, the right of workers to organize at work and obtain a decent working wage and work conditions, and against other countries who refuse to accept American domination. Jack provides all the sources so that you can see for yourself how the right is out to enrich itself at the expense of everyone else. Great job, Jack!
Submitted By: magyarbill
awesome show
Clark always backs up his statements against the right wing with fact and data, which gives him all the more credibility. As conglomerate media controlled by politics clouds the mainstream news media, Jack Clark, along with NPR and Democracy Now! have become my primary news source. Awesome podcast!
Submitted By: jgates118
In-Depth, Meaty, Hardcore Knowledge
This podcast is not just entertainment, humor, chimp-bashing, or gee-whiz recap of the weeks events. Instead, it hits hard and in-depth on the world economic situation and how right-wing policies impact the poor and less advantaged all over the world. He examines Americas support of the World Bank, IMF,multinational corporations, etc., and connects the dots. This is a podcast for grown-ups. He gives good reasons why the right wing is NOT living up to its precious Bible, without putting down the Bible. As a Jesus-loving Christian and moderate Democrat, I respect this podcast for its subject matter. The grown-up manner of the speaker is just icing on the cake. He IS funny, but hes not trying to be, he just has a deadpan delivery but doesnt have to make jokes to make it interesting. The facts make it interesting and devastating.
Submitted By: ebrenn1
A Breath of Fresh Air
Jack Clarks Blast the Right podcast is truly a breath of fresh air when it comes to political commentary. Jack is not like some commentators who simply climb on their soap box and state their own opinions as fact. Instead, Jack welcomes competent challenges to his way of thinking, and with logical analysis and sound research, debunks the lies, distortions, and self-deceptions of the right wing. I strongly recommend Blast the Right for people who seek the truth and care more about the long term health and well-being of the whole citizenry than the short term personal gain advocated by modern conservatives. Listen as Jack carefully shows how the high-sounding "God and country" rhetoric of the right wing is really just a smokescreen for policies that ultimately lead only to the increased misery, suffering, and death of the less fortunate for the particular benefit of the wealthy and the well-connected. And, if you find yourself in agreement, return to Podcast Alley to place your vote! Thanks!
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