Thursday, January 07, 2010
161 - 2009 In Review: So Much Potential Unfulfilled, And The Right Still As Toxic As Ever
Today, a review of that not so terrific year 2009, as heard on this show: right-wing reverse Robin Hood economics, health care, the war on terror, GOP racism and more.
Along with plenty of clips of your favorite right-wingers to keep you entertained, if not outright horrified.
The year started out with a lot of potential, but things haven't turn out as progressives like myself would have preferred.
Take a listen...
(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine, but at least do me the courtesy of listening to the podcast first. Please don't respond just on the basis of the brief preview above. Thanks!!)
Scheduling note: episodes of Blast The Right will be posted every three weeks.
Jack Clark 7:35 PM
Post #7765461112133510497
to Jack and other listeners! (a separate
show from numbered shows to the left)
Live shows are currently on hiatus. In the meantime, listen to Jack debate Jenn from
www.screwliberals.com Debate

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